How we help


Catapult uses data analytics to ascertain what an athlete is good at, as well as what their interests are. There will be an overlap. We can use our analytics to counsel the athlete as to what avenue he should pursue from an academic perspective.


Career Counseling

As athletes move toward graduation, we will use our proprietary data base to assist athletes in procuring interviews. We also have technology to advise athletes as to how to put “their best foot forward” during the interview process. It is a somewhat stressful time, moving into the real world, but you have achieved success to get where you are through hard work, dedication, and team work – all characteristics that employer’s value. You are well on your way to success.

Crisis Management​

We all know not everything goes smoothly. We are building with Catapult is building a network of advisors to assist athlete’s if a crisis arises in their personal life. We also hope to be able to help affected families. This silo is under development but is an important part of the Catapult mission.


Life After Ball

Once you have made that first step into the business world, or whatever endeavor you choose to pursue, your University of Texas experience is valuable. We have more than 540,000 living alumni in 176 countries. Longhorn Nation is a loyal and cohesive group.